Who are we?
Kirti Yadav, Founder
Founder, CEO, Delivery Girl, Vegan, Certified Holistic Nutritionist from AFPA (USA), serial mompreneur, ex-AIG, ex-Target, ex-IBM
aka “The one with the Crazy Ideas"
Akar Misra, Co Founder
Co founder, CTO, Delivery Boy, Software professional with 15+ yrs experience, ex-Goldman Sachs, ex-JP Morgan, ex-IBM
aka “The problem solver”
How KuKClean started
It all started, when Kirti wanted to make healthy plant-based and vegan food for her daughter. She and her husband, Akar started working together on this mission. While Akar focuses on Taste, Kirti (who is also a certified holistic nutritionist) focuses on nutrition. Finally, their 9-year-old daughter tastes every product. They eagerly wait for her expressions. Only when she says "can I have one more?", the product is added to the store. This is the story for each and every product on the store. You will simply not find any product here which the family themselves do not believe in or do not consume.
You have our word!
Having faced difficulties in sourcing healthy, vegan food products in Bangalore, Kirti started out on this journey of exploring vegan food and snacks and finding the best and healthy sources for them in Bangalore. The products are Home Made, Hand Crafted, personally curated.We keep our fingers crossed to hear the feedback!!
When parents call us and tell us "our child liked it"!
We feel "Chalo Kuch Achcha Banaya humne" ("Well, we made something good!")
This is our story & It continues